
T.E.A.M.W.O.R.K. = Together Everyone Achieves More With Organization, Respect, and Kindness

Sunday, August 30, 2015


Our First Week Together
We are off to a fantastic start to 5th grade! We have had a chance to get to know each other, review rules and expectations, and have some fun along the way. Hopefully your child has shared with you some of their first experiences of their final year at Prairieview. Let's continue to move forward with a positive attitude and strive to do our best!

PBIS Kick-Off
Ask your child about the entertaining videos created by last year's Ambassador Club to teach us the hallway and bathroom expectations for our school. Also, ask your child about the important lessons taught by Matt Wilhelm during our bike assembly on Friday. Did they tell you that they volunteered me for one of the stunts? Don't worry,... I survived and was able to finish up the day with them!

5th Grade Curriculum Night
Don't forget that 5th Grade Curriculum Night is Wednesday, September 2nd at 6:30 p.m. The other fifth grade teachers and I look forward to the opportunity to share some important information about the curriculum, 1-to-1 technology, and classroom expectations and routines.

Subject Update:
  • ELA (English/Language Arts) - We will review how to pick an independent reading book and set our expectations for "Read to Self." We will also begin to practice these behaviors while building our reading stamina. Students will organize their writing binders so they have a place for all things writing; launches, drafts, and helpful resources. Students will also create a bio-poem to provide information about themselves as we continue to get to know each other in the classroom.
  • Science - The students will be pondering the question, "What is a scientist?" and begin exploring some of the tools used in scientific inquiry.
  • Social Studies - The students will take a "scavenger hunt" to discover the wealth of information found inside their Social Studies textbooks. We will also begin our study of early America in Chapter 4 as it explains how "Spain Builds an Empire."
  • Mrs. Strong's Math Class - We will start our year working with perimeter, area, and volume of rectangular figures. We will be using whole number, fraction, and decimal measurements; and working to understand the difference between linear, square, and cubic units.

Mark Your Calendar:

Sept. 2 - 5th Grade Curriculum Night and Chromebook Presentation (6:30 - 8:00 p.m.)

Sept. 7 - No School (Labor Day)